mercredi 9 janvier 2013


Weapons                                                                   Weapons
Certifications                                                              Certifications

Weapons                                                                         Weapons
Certifications                                                                    Certifications

Weapons                                                                        Weapons

Weapons                                                                          Weapons
Certifications                                                                    Certifications

Weapons                                                                       Weapons
Certifications                                                                  Certifications

Weapons                                                                           Weapons
Certifications                                                                     Certifications



.General performance increases, particularly for lower end GPUs
.Experience (XP) system enhancements:
.Dynamic XP system for player kills, players who have more kills on their current life are worth more XP. .Freshly spawned players will be worth a fraction of the current kill reward.
.Partial damage XP for dealing damage to vehicles that you don't end up killing
.Population XP / Resource bonus moved over to continent population instead of global
.Better display of XP sources for things like defensive bonuses & population bonuses
.Rebalancing of XP rewards to help support tasks
.Server transfer token available in Depot
.UI changes to emphasize score per minute as a primary metric of player comparison
.Sortable columns on outfit management & addition of "last online" column
.New weapon type for all empires: SMG
.Short period of invulnerability will be added to freshly spawned / revived players - breaks upon game actions such as entering a vehicle or using a weapon.
.Dynamic / player configurable colors for minimap & overhead indicators for enemies, friendlies, and squads within a platoon
.New Hot Spot system that displays where active fights are occurring on the map
.New spawn buildings with more exits, protected balconies and easy roof access to make them less campable.
.Tunnel systems for amp and tech facilities to give access from spawn rooms to interior of bases and base walls without having to go above ground.
.Making MAXes render more reliably at long distances for players in vehicles
.AA improvements, notably flak changes for turrets and skyguards, giving them some better ability to aim, although not drastically impacting their DPS.
.Fixes to missiles so that they more reliably detonate and actually blow stuff up
.Air vehicle weapon tweaks
.Increases to reload speed for certain HE ground vehicle weapons
.And of course... lots of bug fixes

mardi 18 décembre 2012

Combat Medic - Weapons

Combat Medic - Certifications

Medical Kit
Grants access to a consumable medical kit that can be used to instaly restore the user's health

Rank 1 : 1 kit  - Cost 50
Rank 2 : 2 kits - Cost 100
Rank 3 : 3 kits - Cost 150
Rank 4 : 4 kits - Cost 500

Restoration Kit
Grants access to a consumable medical kit that can be used to regenerate the user's health over 6sec

Rank 1 : 1 kit  - Cost 30
Rank 2 : 2 kits - Cost 100
Rank 3 : 3 kits - Cost 200
Rank 4 : 4 kits - Cost 500

Allows medic to passively heal others that share a vehicle with them

Rank 1 : heal - Cost 100
Rank 2 : health +0.8% per sec - Cost 150
Rank 3 : health +1.4% per sec - Cost 200
Rank 4 : health +2% per sec - Cost 400
Rank 5 : health +2.8% per sec - Cost 500

Medical Applicator
Repair and revive infantry soldiers

Rank 1 : heal and revive - Cost 0
Rank 2 : +10% healing speed, revive infantry at 30%, MAX units at 7.5%, +0.5m range - Cost 10
Rank 3 : +20% healing speed, revive infantry at 40%, MAX units at 10%, +1m range - Cost 30
Rank 4 : +30% healing speed, revive infantry at 50%, MAX units at 12.5%, +1.5m range - Cost 50
Rank 5 : +40% HS, revive speed 45%, RI at 75%, MAX units at 15%, +2m range - Cost 100
Rank 6 : +50% HS, revive speed 65%, RI at 100%, MAX units at 20%, +4m range - Cost 500

Nano-Regen Device
Regenerates health in a radius around the medic

Rank 1 : heal  - Cost 0
Rank 2 : reduces the nano-regen device cooldown - Cost 1
Rank 3 : reduces the nano-regen device cooldown - Cost 10
Rank 4 : reduces the nano-regen device cooldown - Cost 30
Rank 5 : reduces the nano-regen device cooldown - Cost 50
Rank 6 : reduces the nano-regen device cooldown - Cost 200

Advanced Shield Capacitor
Reduce the recharge delay for damaged personal shield

Rank 1 : reduced by 0.5sec - Cost 1
Rank 2 : reduced by 1sec - Cost 10
Rank 3 : reduced by 1.5sec - Cost 30
Rank 4 : reduced by 2sec - Cost 100
Rank 5 : reduced by 2.5sec - Cost 200

Ammunition Belt
Additional magazines for primary and sidearm weapons

Rank 1 : 1 additional mag prmary and sidearm - Cost 150
Rank 2 : 2 additional mag prmary and sidearm - Cost 200
Rank 3 : 3 additional mag prmary and sidearm - Cost 400
Rank 4 : 4 additional mag prmary and sidearm - Cost 500

Flak Armor
Reduces the amount of damage taken from explosions

Rank 1 : -15% received - Cost 1
Rank 2 : -22% received - Cost 10
Rank 3 : -30% received - Cost 50
Rank 4 : -39% received - Cost 150
Rank 5 : -50% received - Cost 1000

Grenade Bandolier
Allow additional grenade of any type

Rank 1 : +1grenade - Cost 100
Rank 2 : +2grenades - Cost 500

Nanoweave Armor
Absorbing more damage

Rank 1 : increases users healh by 10% - Cost 1
Rank 2 : increases users healh by 12.5% - Cost 10 
Rank 3 : increases users healh by 15% - Cost 50
Rank 4 : increases users healh by 20% - Cost 150
Rank 5 : increases users healh by 25% - Cost 1000

Nanite Healing Grenade
Heal nearby friendly soldiers upon detonation

Rank 1 : Heal - Cost 200

Nanite Revive Grenade
Revive nearby friendly soldiers upon detonation

Rank 1 : revive - Cost 400

Capable of indredible damage to infantry and vehicle alike

Rank 1 : allow c4 - Cost 200
Rank 2 : increases total c4 capacity - Cost 500

dimanche 16 décembre 2012

Flash - Certifications

Flash Acquire Timer Reduction
Reduces the timer for acquiring flash

Rank 1 : -30sec - Cost 1
Rank 2 : -60sec - Cost 10
Rank 3 : -90sec - Cost 30
Rank 4 : -120sec - Cost 50
Rank 5 : -150sec - Cost 100
Rank 6 : -180sec - Cost 150
Rank 7 : -210sec - Cost 200
Rank 8 : -240sec - Cost 400
Rank 9 : -270sec - Cost 500
Rank 10 : -300sec - Cost 1000

IR Smoke
Create a smoke sreeen around the vehicle that make prevents lock-on for 6sec

Rank 1 : reusetime 30sec - Cost 50
Rank 2 : reusetime 25sec - Cost 100
Rank 3 : reusetime 20sec - Cost 200
Rank 4 : reusetime 15sec - Cost 500

Scout Radar
Hostiles near the vehicle are revealed on the minimap

Rank 1 : range 25m - Cost 50
Rank 2 : range 50m - Cost 100
Rank 3 : range 75m - Cost 200
Rank 4 : range 100m - Cost 500

NFI-2000 Turbo
Burns fuel to increase the vehicle's speed

Rank 1 : increases speed - Cost 150
Rank 2 : fuel regeneration 12% faster - Cost 200
Rank 3 : fuel regeneration 25% faster - Cost 400
Rank 4 : fuel regeneration 37% faster - Cost 500

Fire Supresion System
Nanite repair a critically damaged vehicle (no effect if not critically damaged)

Rank 1 : activated once every 40sec - Cost 30
Rank 2 : activated once every 35sec - Cost 50
Rank 3 : activated once every 30sec - Cost 100
Rank 4 : activated once every 25sec - Cost 200

Nanite Auto Repair System
Nanite repair damage over time as long as the vehicle not taken damage

Rank 1 : +0.83% every 5sec (damage disables for 14sec) - Cost 30
Rank 2 : +1.17% every 5sec (damage disables for 13sec) - Cost 50
Rank 3 : +1.5% every 5sec (damage disables for 12sec) - Cost 100
Rank 4 : +1.83% every 5sec (damage disables for 11sec) - Cost 200
Rank 5 : +2.17% every 5sec (damage disables for 10sec) - Cost 500

Vehicle Stealth
Increases the time for seeking weapons to establish a lock

Rank 1 : +0.25sec to lock-on - Cost 30
Rank 2 : +0.5sec to lock-on - Cost 50
Rank 3 : +0.75sec to lock-on - Cost 100
Rank 4 : +1sec to lock-on - Cost 150
Rank 5 : +1.25sec to lock-on - Cost 200
Rank 6 : +1.5sec to lock-on - Cost 400
Rank 7 : +1.75sec to lock-on - Cost 500
Rank 8 : +2sec to lock-on - Cost 1000

Mine Guard
Damage from impact striking the chassis below the vehicle will be reduced

Rank 1 : -37% damage - Cost 30
Rank 2 : -50% damage - Cost 50
Rank 3 : -62% damage - Cost 100
Rank 4 : -75% damage - Cost 150

Screapper Combat Chassis
Improves lightning ability : traction, rotation speed, brake power, reverse speed

Rank 1 : improve ability - Cost 100
Rank 2 : more effective - Cost 200
Rank 3 : more effective - Cost 400

Racer High Speed Chassis
Improves the top speed and acceleration

Rank 1 : improve speed  - Cost 100
Rank 2 : more effective - Cost 200
Rank 3 : more effective - Cost 400

Surger Power Chassis
Improves hill climbing

Rank 1 : improve climbing  - Cost 100
Rank 2 : more effective - Cost 200
Rank 3 : more effective - Cost 400

Galaxy - Certifications

Galaxy Acquire Timer Reduction
Reduces the timer for acquiring galaxy

Rank 1 : timer down to 18.5min - Cost 1
Rank 2 : timer down to 17min - Cost 10
Rank 3 : timer down to 15.5min - Cost 30
Rank 4 : timer down to 14min - Cost 50
Rank 5 : timer down to 12.5min - Cost 100
Rank 6 : timer down to 11min - Cost 150
Rank 7 : timer down to 9.5min - Cost 200
Rank 8 : timer down to 8min - Cost 400
Rank 9 : timer down to 6.5min - Cost 500
Rank 10 : timer down to 5min - Cost 1000

Decoy Flares
Activate to disrupte locks-on and prevent new lock for 5 sec

Rank 1 : reuse 40sec - Cost 100
Rank 2 : reuse 35sec - Cost 200
Rank 3 : reuse 30sec - Cost 500
Rank 4 : reuse 25sec - Cost 1000

Fire Supresion System
Nanite repair a critically damaged vehicle (no effect if not critically damaged)

Rank 1 : activated once every 40sec - Cost 30
Rank 2 : activated once every 35sec - Cost 50
Rank 3 : activated once every 30sec - Cost 100
Rank 4 : activated once every 25sec - Cost 200

Nanite Auto Repair System
Nanite repair damage over time as long as the vehicle not taken damage

Rank 1 : +1.14% every 5sec (damage disables for 14sec) - Cost 50
Rank 2 : +1.29% every 5sec (damage disables for 13sec) - Cost 100
Rank 3 : +1.43% every 5sec (damage disables for 12sec) - Cost 150
Rank 4 : +1.57% every 5sec (damage disables for 11sec) - Cost 200
Rank 5 : +1.71% every 5sec (damage disables for 10sec) - Cost 500

Vehicle Stealth
Increases the time for seeking weapons to establish a lock

Rank 1 : +0.25sec to lock-on - Cost 30
Rank 2 : +0.5sec to lock-on - Cost 100
Rank 3 : +0.75sec to lock-on - Cost 200
Rank 4 : +1sec to lock-on - Cost 1000

Composite Armor
Reduces damage taken from flak

Rank 1 : -4% damage - Cost 30
Rank 2 : -6% damage - Cost 50
Rank 3 : -8% damage - Cost 150
Rank 4 : -10% damage - Cost 400

Precision Drops Airframe
Improves galaxy ability : turn rate, roll rate and airbrake power

Rank 1 : improve ability - Cost 100
Rank 2 : more effective - Cost 200
Rank 3 : more effective - Cost 400

High G-Airframe
Improved vertical thrust, pitch manueverability and agility

 Rank 1 : improved manuevers - Cost 100
Rank 2 : more effective - Cost 200
Rank 3 : more effective - Cost 400

Racer High-Speed Airframe
Improved speed and acceleration

Rank 1 : improved speed - Cost 100
Rank 2 : more effective - Cost 200
Rank 3 : more effective - Cost 400

Reaver - Certifications

Reaver Acquire Timer Reduction
Reduces the timer for acquiring reaver

Rank 1 : -60sec - Cost 1
Rank 2 : -120sec - Cost 10
Rank 3 : -180sec - Cost 30
Rank 4 : -240sec - Cost 50
Rank 5 : -300sec - Cost 100
Rank 6 : -360sec - Cost 150
Rank 7 : -420sec - Cost 200
Rank 8 : -480sec - Cost 400
Rank 9 : -540sec - Cost 500
Rank 10 : -600sec - Cost 1000

Scout Radar
Hostiles near the vehicle are revealed on the minimap

Rank 1 : range 50m - Cost 50
Rank 2 : range 100m - Cost 100
Rank 3 : range 150m - Cost 200
Rank 4 : range 200m - Cost 500

Decoy Flares
Activate to disrupte locks-on and prevent new lock for 5 sec

Rank 1 : reuse 40sec - Cost 100
Rank 2 : reuse 35sec - Cost 200
Rank 3 : reuse 30sec - Cost 500
Rank 4 : reuse 25sec - Cost  1000

Ejection System
When exiting vehicle, all occupants will not take fall damage

Rank 1 : - Cost 500

Fire Supresion System
Nanite repair a critically damaged vehicle (no effect if not critically damaged)

Rank 1 : activated once every 40sec - Cost 30
Rank 2 : activated once every 35sec - Cost 50
Rank 3 : activated once every 30sec - Cost 100
Rank 4 : activated once every 25sec - Cost 200

Composite Armor
Reduces damage taken from flak and infantry small arms

Rank 1 : flak -15, small arms -2% damage - Cost 100
Rank 2 : flak -20%, small arms -4% damage - Cost 200
Rank 3 : flak -25%, small arms -6% damage - Cost 500
Rank 4 : flak -30%, small arms -8% damage - Cost 400

Vehicle Stealth
Increases the time for seeking weapons to establish a lock

Rank 1 : +0.25sec to lock-on - Cost 30
Rank 2 : +0.5sec to lock-on - Cost 100
Rank 3 : +0.75sec to lock-on - Cost 200
Rank 4 : +1sec to lock-on - Cost 1000

Nanite Auto Repair System
Nanite repair damage over time as long as the vehicle not taken damage

Rank 1 : +2.4% every 5sec (damage disables for 14sec) - Cost 50
Rank 2 : +2.8% every 5sec (damage disables for 13sec) - Cost 100
Rank 3 : +3.2% every 5sec (damage disables for 12sec) - Cost 150
Rank 4 : +3.6% every 5sec (damage disables for 11sec) - Cost 200
Rank 5 : +4% every 5sec (damage disables for 10sec) - Cost 500

Dogfighting Airframe
More precise manuevers by improving its turn power, roll power and agility

Rank 1 : improved agility - Cost 100
Rank 2 : more effective - Cost 200
Rank 3 : more effective - Cost 400

Hover Stability Airframe
Improved hover strengtht and power of vertical thrusters

 Rank 1 : improved power - Cost 100
Rank 2 : more effective - Cost 200
Rank 3 : more effective - Cost 400

Racer High-Speed Airframe
Improved speed (cruising and afterburner)

Rank 1 : improved speed - Cost 100
Rank 2 : more effective - Cost 200
Rank 3 : more effective - Cost 400